2019.4 - 2020.3


Used Book Donations of TUAT

"Used Book Donations of TUAT" is a system for transforming your books/CDs/DVDs into monetary donations for Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Your donation will be used to improve the university education and research environment/activities (Used Book Donations of TUAT (In Japanese only)).
We will collect the books no longer needed, please bring them to the library.

Acceptable Materials

  • Books with International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
  • DVD/CD (album CD only)/Game software

Items with marks,checks,lines are accepted, but the purchase price will decline than usual.

[ISBN Example]
ISBN Example

Unacceptable Materials

The following books cannot be purchased.

  • Books without ISBN / Encyclopedias / Convenience store comics / Manga / Magazines / Books published by individuals

Location for Donation Box

Donation boxes are in the library. Please bring any books that you can donate.


  • Accepted books cannot be returned.
  • Books that are not priced will be donated to domestic welfare facilities, libraries or overseas educational institutions.
  • Due to the balance between supply and demand, the price may not be attached even if the book is in good condition.
  • Anonymous donation is provided for materials collected in the donation box at the library.
  • For more information, please visit the TUAT Foundation website. (Japanese only)