ResearchGrant for Open Access Fee for TUAT Student's International Co-authored Paper(2024.4-2025.3)
For international collaborative papers published by TUAT's students as the first author on Q1 journals (listed in Web of Science), the open access fee is covered by "J-PEAKS: Program for Forming Japan’s Peak Research Universities". This grant aims to raise the international publicity of TUAT's research activity and its presence by improving the quality and the number of English articles.
Last year, 29 students received the grants !!
Application for this grant is now open. <contact:ktakada@(at mark)cc.tuat.ac.jp>.
Application conditions
- Application Guidelines of Grant for Open Access Fee for Students' International Co-authored Paper.
- Application form of Grant for Open Access Fee for Students' International Co-authored Paper
University Research Administration Center(URAC) : Prof. Takada
tel : 7268 E-Mail : ktakada_@_cc.tuat.ac.jp